• For youth, the future of Turkey
  • For a healthy society
  • Serving science, culture and arts
  • For equal education opportunities
  • Fostering social transformation


Prix Pictet Human (Hosted by Arter)

until July 27, 2024

Jackie Matisse: Kite Time

until December 15, 2024

Şakir Gökçebağ: As It Seems

until November 10, 2024


until August 4, 2024

Suppose You're Not

Until December 29, 2024

Elegance from Past to Future

Abdülmecid Efendi Mansion
until October 29, 2024

Istanbul as far as the eye can see

Until September 29, 2024
Our Founder

“I herewith endow this foundation so that my past and present philanthropy may continue to be of service to the Turkish nation after I have passed away.”

January 17, 1969, Vehbi Koç

The late Vehbi Koç was not only one of Turkey’s most successful businessmen but also a true philanthropist who believed that everyone had a personal responsibility to contribute towards the solution of social problems.

Vehbi Koç felt genuine concern for the poor and extended them a helping hand, right from the beginning of his working life. His philanthropy grew with the years, and he began to donate greater and greater funds towards the construction of social facilities.

He firmly believed that education was crucial to the country’s development and considered it to be a humanitarian and patriotic duty to help educate the young. With this belief in mind, he initiated the construction of several schools, libraries and student dormitories.

Another area to which Vehbi Koç attached great importance was healthcare. He rightly believed that the subject of health was of fundamental significance and therefore donated funds and facilities in order to help improve healthcare.

As his philanthropic projects became more and more prolific, he felt the need to institutionalize them to ensure that they would continue beyond his lifetime. The Vehbi Koç Foundation was one of his life’s greatest projects. Formed in 1969, the Foundation still continues to grow and expand today on the sound material foundations that were laid by him.