• For youth, the future of Turkey
  • For a healthy society
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Jackie Matisse: Kite Time

until December 15, 2024

Şakir Gökçebağ: As It Seems

until November 10, 2024

Suppose You're Not

Until December 29, 2024

Elegance from Past to Future

Abdülmecid Efendi Mansion
until October 29, 2024

Vehbi Koç’s Life Story and Thoughts Continue to Inspire

The book titled “Vehbi Koç Anlatıyor - Bir Derleme" (Vehbi Koç Tells - A Compilation) about the life experiences of Vehbi Koç, founder of Turkey's largest conglomerate Koç Holding and the first private foundation of the country, has been published as a timeless guide for all generations to benefit.

Two books by Vehbi Koç, founder of Turkey's largest conglomerate Koç Holding and the first private foundation of the country, namely “Hayat Hikâyem” (My Life, 1973), in which he tells his life story up to 1972, and “Hatıralarım, Görüşlerim, Öğütlerim (My Memories, Views, Advice, 1987) that provides a look into his life starting from the 1970s as well as work and life experiences, were compiled in chronological order and edited by Gürel Tüzün, who also included background stories of the period. Bülent Erkmen and his team carried out the design and indexing processes of the book, which was published by Yapı Kredi Publications. The new book titled “Vehbi Koç Anlatıyor-Bir Derleme” is told in Koç’s sincere, inspiring and guiding style, offering young people, employees, entrepreneurs and philanthropists inspiration, and encouraging them to produce relentlessly, learn from failures and experiences of others, constantly question, take ownership of one’s country and do better for Turkey.

Semahat Arsel: “I recommend young people to read this book very carefully.”
In the foreword of the book, Semahat Arsel, Chairwoman of the Vehbi Koç Foundation, wrote that Vehbi Koç greatly valued the importance of sharing his experiences and views with his family, his close circle, the business world and when he deemed necessary, the public: “Vehbi and Sadberk Koç were true patriots, who as children endured the difficulties of World War I, and were wholeheartedly committed to the fight for independence that Mustafa Kemal Atatürk started, and the Republic. Vehbi Koç was the most important businessman raised in this country and he led the way with successful examples to guide next generations toward philanthropic endeavors; and these attributes have no doubt been influenced by the fact that he was from Ankara and experienced firsthand the joy and spirit of solidarity in the first years of the Republic. We remember Vehbi Koç every day, and see the marks he left in every aspect of our lives. But younger generations do not know much about Vehbi Koç or Turkey in the period in which he lived. This book aims to chronicle the life of our founder in his own words while shedding light to the events and facts of the period.”

For more information about the book please click.