• For youth, the future of Turkey
  • For a healthy society
  • For equal education opportunities
  • Fostering social transformation


Prix Pictet Human (Hosted by Arter)

until July 27, 2024

Jackie Matisse: Kite Time

until December 15, 2024

Şakir Gökçebağ: As It Seems

until November 10, 2024


until August 4, 2024

Suppose You're Not

Until December 29, 2024

Elegance from Past to Future

Abdülmecid Efendi Mansion
until October 29, 2024

Istanbul as far as the eye can see

Until September 29, 2024


Memory of the capital ...

Koç University Vehbi Koç Ankara Studies Research Center (VEKAM) was founded in 1994 and launched its activities with the opening of the Orchard House, where the late Vehbi Koç resided for most of his Ankara years, to engage in and support interdisciplinary research and academic study of Ankara’s urban development, of the social and economic history, culture, and cultural heritage of Ankara and its region, and to provide the requisite resources and environment for study and research through its collections of documents and other materials on Ankara. VEKAM, associated with Koç University since 2014, organizes a range of activities and events on Ankara studies, including conferences, symposia, exhibitions, publications and grant schemes.

Ankara Orchard House
Ankara Orchard House, was donated by the Chairman of the Board of Vehbi Koç Foundation Semahat Arsel to Vehbi Koç Foundation. It was opened in year 2007 under the body of VEKAM. The building that is also known as “Gedikoğlu Orchard” sets an original example for scientific, cultural and artistic world, as a Cultural Asset that requires First Level Protection, with its architecture and decoration.
