• For youth, the future of Turkey
  • For a healthy society
  • Serving science, culture and arts
  • For equal education opportunities
  • Fostering social transformation


Prix Pictet Human (Hosted by Arter)

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Şakir Gökçebağ: As It Seems

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Abdülmecid Efendi Mansion
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Stories from us

Sümeyye Ertürk

Graduate of Istanbul University School of Nursing 

I was born in 1993 in Istanbul where I still live with my family. I entered Istanbul University School of Nursing in 2011, and graduated this year. My next goal is to advance in my career.

How were you first introduced to Vehbi Koç Foundation, and what was your connection?
I was a sophomore in university when I saw Vehbi Koç Foundation’s scholarship announcement. I applied, and became a part of the VKV family.

What are your future plans and goals?
Nursing is a constantly developing profession. Since I am a new graduate, there is a long process ahead of me. My goal is to build on my education, to gain more experience, and to contribute to this noble profession. I am also planning to pursue a graduate degree.

What is VKV’s place in your life?
I did not know much about VKV before I joined this family but once I became a part of it, I realized why it was such a respected institution. This is an institution that has contributed to the lives of many students like me, and provided significant support to our education. If you are attending university in a city like Istanbul, and if you are hoping to make some difference in your profession, you may need support, which VKV provides in the best possible way. Thanks to the scholarship VKV granted me, I had the opportunity to improve both on a personal and professional level. I am very lucky to be a part of this family.

August 2015