• For youth, the future of Turkey
  • For a healthy society
  • Serving science, culture and arts
  • For equal education opportunities
  • Fostering social transformation


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Stories from us

Ege Partal

The Koç School / Student

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
I am in the 11th grade (IB) in the KoçSchool, and I am a full-time boarder.

Tell us about how you first became acquainted with the Vehbi Koç Foundation and your connection?
I won a scholarship and entered the preparatory class at the KoçSchool in 2009 as a result of the placement test. This was how I was first introduced to VKV. Over the last four years, VKV has assisted me in my education at the Koç School personally through the scholarship it provides as well as through its support for the projects and activities I have been involved with and its impact on the school.

What are your future plans and goals?
My medium-term plan is to continue my university education in the United States. I want to study economics/finance. My long-term goal, on the other hand, is to do whatever I can for Turkey’s general development and growth.

What role does VKV play in your life?
Because I am a full-time boarder, my life is totally integrated with the school. During my time here at school, I have seen what the Vehbi Koç Foundation does. I have noticed the positive influence it has not just academically with the projects executed by the school but on the lives of the students and campus residents. The Vehbi Koç Foundation not only provides the scholarship for me to be a part of this school, but it also mobilizes its resources to improve my standard of living here.

What would you like to tell us about your school?
The only thing to say about our school is that it is number one in Turkey. The opportunities afforded to us as students by the KoçSchool are not available to the students in any other school in Turkey. It may seem like a cliché, but our school is raising up well-rounded individuals. Students that graduate from the KoçSchool join society as individuals who can make up their own minds and think not only for themselves but for those around them. The opportunities provided by my school in the four years I have been here have really improved my character. This is a blessing not given to every student.

August 2013