• For youth, the future of Turkey
  • For a healthy society
  • Serving science, culture and arts
  • For equal education opportunities
  • Fostering social transformation


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Stories from us

Ecevit Usta

The Koç School, Security Staff

I was born in 1972 in Ardahan where I attended elementary and middle school. Then I graduated from high school and university in Istanbul. I am married with 2 children; my son is 18, and my daughter 13. I have been working as security staff for the school for 17 years.

How were you first introduced to Vehbi Koç Foundation, and what was your connection?
I first saw the school in 1994. A friend was doing the school’s paintworks, and as we were chatting I told him what a great chance it would be to study, and to work at this school. When I heard that the school was hiring security staff in December 1996, I applied for the job.

What are your future plans and goals?  
I love working for this educational institution. I believe I have accumulated wonderful experiences and memories in the 17 years I have worked here. One can easily observe that this is a work environment where you can learn from everyone, from the general managers to the students, from the administrators to all the employees. Therefore I am very happy that I am working for, and am a part of Vehbi Koç Foundation.

What is VKV’s place in your life?
Working for Koç Group is a great opportunity, and I feel very blessed. When you work for an educational institution, the experience is both happy, and educational. In fact, I found the opportunity to complete my formal education, which I had dropped out of, and my employer has really contributed to this achievement. Speaking of chance, I had opportunities that I couldn’t have dreamed of; with the benefits provided by Vehbi Koç Foundation, my son Can Ozan started kindergarten here in 1999, and he is now graduating with the Class of 2013. My daughter passed the 2nd grade transfer exam, and entered the school in 2007, and she is now in 7th grade. It is wonderful that my children could attend this school; if only all the children could be educated in such good schools… In short, this school offered us equal opportunity, and always supported us. Vehbi Koç Foundation represents opportunity and chance for me.

What else would you like to say about your school?
We can describe our school as a “Base to Educate, Live and Prosper”. It is here that I saw education matters, people matter. I can say that our school raises the pioneering and intellectual people of the future...

August 2014